There’s nothing more valuable than time!
The birth of the Educate Together movement is a story of a unique contribution made to Irish education on an entirely voluntary basis by parents, teachers and supporters. Whatever way you can help, you’ll become part of a community of people working together to support the delivery of innovative, equality-based schooling across Ireland.
Current board vacancies
Volunteering on an Educate Together school board of management is a unique and rewarding way to contribute to both your community and to the Irish education system at a local and a national level.
Our boards have a direct say in the running of our schools and in the work of our organisation. Member schools can influence change in the network and in the Irish education system through participation at our AGM.
Educate Together appoints two nominees to each of our primary school boards of management and up to three members on boards at post-primary schools. A small number of vacancies currently exist for chairpersons and patron nominees starting in September and October 2024.
Training is provided, so while experience is welcomed, it is not necessary. We do ask for a commitment to upholding the Educate Together ethos and a willingness to learn and participate.
To find out more about one of these vacancies or about sitting on an Educate Together school board of management contact us on 01 429 2500 or email
Volunteering in an individual school
If you would like to volunteer in a particular school, please contact the principal or chairperson of the board of management of that school.
Volunteering in the Educate Together national office
The Educate Together national office is based in Dublin city centre and sometimes has opportunities to volunteer in programmes such as communications or fundraising. Volunteering with us the Educate Together national office offers opportunities for genuine involvement, learning and development in the education sector. We work to ensure that the volunteering experience is meaningful, enjoyable and fulfilling!
- Email if you are interested in volunteering in the national office.
Volunteering with an Educate Together campaign group
An Educate Together campaign group is made up of parents / carers who want an Educate Together school for their children. In recent years, the Educate Together network has grown substantially and parental support has been critical to the successful establishment of new schools.
Raising much needed funds for the Educate Together movement
There’s no shortage of ways to help Educate Together raise much needed funds. Every cent helps however you choose to raise funds for the equality-based school movement.