Educate Together Template Policies

Jennifer Buttner, School Support & Development Officer, Educate Together 

At the 2023 AGM, Educate Together members requested that a suite of basic policy templates be developed, that could be quickly adopted by boards of management of new schools, to assist them in meeting their statutory and legal requirements.  

A group was formed with national office staff, primary and second-level principals and a school board member, and a bank of draft policies is now available on the Educate Together moodle site

Educate Together Draft Policy Examples

Educate Together encourages all schools to develop policies locally andin consultation with all stakeholders in the school community. However, it is recognised that at times it is expedient for schools to have a starting point for a policy. This repository is intended to provide new Educate Together schools with initial templates for the mandatory policies that all schools are required to have. School boards of management can use these draft templates as a starting point for developing policies that are in line with current regulations and reflect the context of their local school community.  

We are very grateful to the school principals and board member that volunteered to support this work.