This page has information and downloadable documents for Boards of Management on Garda Vetting (GV) for non-teaching posts and/or volunteer roles in Educate Together schools.
The National Vetting Bureau (NVB) has required that all correspondence in relation to Garda Vetting for non-teaching posts and/or volunteer roles in Educate Together schools must be channeled through a Liaison Person who works in the Educate Together national office. Currently Keith Mooney and Grace Burke are officially recognised as Liaison Persons by the NVB and are managing this work in the Educate Together national office.
Schools have an obligation to manage Garda Vetting applications within a human rights, legislative and natural justice framework. They also have obligations under data protection legislation. It is essential to stress that school Boards of Management must make their own decisions in relation to the suitability or otherwise of prospective employees or volunteers for employment. The fact that a person has been vetted by the NVB does not mean that the person is suitable and does not remove the necessity for the Board to thoroughly check the background and references of a candidate. A selection board must assure themselves that the candidate can be trusted to do the job within the ethical standards of the school.
Schools should also ensure that their vetting policies are updated to reflect the changes in legislation and are ratified by the Board of Management of the school.
Since the introduction of the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012-2016, there is a statutory requirement that people who carry out ‘relevant work’ (i.e. work that involves regular and necessary access to and/or contact with children and/or vulnerable adults) must be vetted prior to commencing employment or relevant volunteer work. Criminal offences will now apply to Boards of Management in the event of failure to comply with these requirements.
Under the legislation, statutory vetting will include a check for any relevant ‘soft information’ – which is information other than criminal convictions held by the Garda Síochana that leads to a bona-fide belief that a person poses a threat to children or vulnerable persons.
E-Vetting process
Under the State’s E-Vetting process, those who wish to be vetted must ensure that they complete an Invitation to Vetting form (NVB 1 form). This form should be sent to the school (where applicants will be working/volunteering) along with proof of identification and proof of address.
The identification provided must be accepted under the NVB 100 checklist attached below. The identification is verified by the Principal or Chairperson of the Board of Management who will then forward the application to the national office for processing. The applicant will then receive a link by email inviting them to complete their online NVB 2 application form. Further details on the process can be found in the Brief Guide to Garda Vetting below.
Please note that the Educate Together national office cannot accept applications from individual applicants directly. Paper NVB2 forms are no longer accepted.
Vetting of minors
The National Vetting Bureau permits the vetting of those over the age of 16 years old. Where an application is being made for a 16/17 year old, consent of the parent/guardian must also be obtained. All applications for people under 18 years old must be accompanied by a Parent/Guardian Consent form (NVB 3).
Schools should also ensure that the email address and contact number provided on the Invitation to Vetting form (NVB 1) is the email address and contact number of the parent/guardian and not of the young person.