Educate Together believes in setting high standards of accountability to our supporters and partners, our member schools and the general public. Every year, Educate Together publishes audited accounts, an annual report and a list of all decisions made at the latest General Meeting of Educate Together online.
- Find information on the work of the Educate Together national office here
- Find information on Educate Together’s Board of Directors here
- Download Educate Together’s annual reports, AGM decisions and audited accounts here
As a registered charity, the national office receives state grants which cover less than half of our operating costs, so we must generate funds from other sources to continue to do the work that we do. The maximum salary in the Educate Together national office is the CEO’s, and there are no bonuses paid. No Educate Together Director receives any remuneration whatsoever from the company. Educate Together has only one fully State-funded position, a seconded post from the Department of Education. The Educate Together Board of Directors, on behalf of the member schools of the company, is deeply grateful to its staff who perform to the highest standards and commitment.
Corporate governance
A copy of Educate Together’s Memorandum and Articles of Association / Constitution is available to download below. Educate Together is committed to maintaining the highest standards of Corporate Governance. The national office has a proud track record of transparency and as a registered charity is fully compliant with the Charities Governance Code.
The Board of Directors of Educate Together committed to the principles of the Charities Governance Code:
- Advancing the Charitable Purpose
- Behaving with Integrity
- Leading People
- Exercising Control
- Working Effectively
- Being Accountable and Transparent
Educate Together has adopted the use of Charities SORP (FRS102) in our financial statements.
Commitment to standards in fundraising practice
Educate Together is fully committed to the highest levels of transparency in all its work. The Board of Directors of Educate Together have signed up to the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising – a voluntary statement on best practice in fundraising which is available to download below.