Donating to Educate Together
When you give to Educate Together, your gift reaches into the future generations of Irish communities, building an education system based on active learning, innovation, and the inclusive values of respect for difference, justice and equality for all.
As well as donating online, you can donate to Educate Together in a number of ways:
- By post – Simply send your cheque, made payable to Educate Together, to Educate Together, Equity House, 16/17 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin 7.
- By phone – Call 01 429 2500.
- By text – You can donate €6 to Educate Together by texting ‘EDUCATE’ to 50300. (Text costs €6. Educate Together will receive a minimum of €5.40. Service Provider: LIKECHARITY. Helpline: 076 6805278.)

Tax efficient giving
Did you know you if you donate €250 or more in a tax year you can make your donation go even further without it costing you anything extra? If you donate €21 per month or more we can increase the value of your donation by up to 45%!