Educate Together awarded €40,000 from the RTÉ Toy Show Appeal grants by Community Foundation Ireland

Educate Together, Ireland’s equality-based school patron, is delighted to announce that it has been awarded a grant of €40,000 over one year by the RTÉ Toy Show Appeal. This grant will fund Educate Together’s Nurture project and help to change children’s lives for good across Educate Together’s national network of schools. 

Educate Together’s Nurture Project began in 2020 at the height of the pandemic and involved working with schools to adopt the Nurture approach to support students with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties to get them back on track and engaged in their education. The project provides safe spaces known as nurture rooms where children can relax, regulate, and talk to staff who are specially trained to understand their social, emotional, and behavioural needs. 

Over the past four years, 35 primary and post-primary Educate Together schools have adopted a Nurture approach, which recognises that students’ wellbeing is as important as their academic achievements at school. 

The RTÉ Toy Show Appeal grant will enable the continuation of Educate Together’s Nurture schools project, enabling the organisation to continue support and enhance the sustainability of the project, to reach more students across the school network. 

Susana Núñez, Educate Together’s Education Officer, commented on the grant:  

“We are so grateful to RTÉ Toy Show Appeal and the Community Foundation Ireland for supporting the Educate Together national office in our ongoing work to address educational disadvantage in our school communities and ensure every student can reach their full potential. This invaluable support will ensure the Educate Together’s Nurture project continues to reach the children and young people who need it most.”    

Inspired by children, the RTÉ Toy Show Appeal works to bring the magic of the Late Late Toy Show to every child in Ireland. By funding essential support, health, well-being, play and creativity we aim to change children’s lives for good. 

The donations to the RTÉ Toy Show Appeal, are received and managed by registered charity, Community Foundation Ireland, with whom we work in partnership. For more information about Community Foundation Ireland, please see here. 

The RTÉ Toy Show Appeal has raised over €21million for children’s charities across the island of Ireland to date. 

For more information on Educate Together’s Nurture Project, see: