Board Training

In conjunction with the Department of Education, Educate Together offers training and support to Boards of Management, helping schools maintain high levels of leadership and governance. The national office provides both face-to-face training sessions normally held in Education Centres, and webinars which can be accessed online.

Training is provided in the following areas:

  • The Board as a Corporate Entity
  • Data Protection
  • Child Protection Guidelines
  • Finance
  • Legal Issues
  • Anti-bullying Procedures
  • Recruitment and Appointment

Please note as of January 2024, board training modules are undergoing re-development. Dates will be added once the redeveloped modules are made available.

Upcoming training

Upcoming training opportunities will be listed below.  There is currently no training scheduled for the summer months.  Updates will be sent via email to chairpersons and principals.

Online support groups

The national office moderates two closed email groups, one for Chairpersons and one for Treasurers of Boards of Management. The online groups provide a private space for discussion, sharing of ideas and solutions to issues and general networking opportunities. If you would like to be part of either of these email groups, please email