Boards of Management Update January 2025

Keith Mooney, Patronage Officer, Educate Together 

Welcome back 

Best wishes for the new year to all of our school board members, and a very warm welcome to any new members who have joined recently.  We hope that your experience on a school board of management will be beneficial to you, and we thank you for volunteering. Our primary school boards are currently in the second year of a four-year term. 

Last term, there were changes to some of our Voluntary Secondary School boards as well as some of our ETB partner post-primary school boards. Thank you to all our outgoing nominees for your dedication and commitment to Educate Together. We appreciate the work you have done to support our principals and school leaders in managing our schools.  Our unique network would not be what it is without the work of our volunteers.  A big thanks also to those staying on. Your continued volunteering is much appreciated and needed.

Upcoming Training 

As always, we strongly encourage all our board of management members to avail of training.  

Tuesday 11th February 2025 7pm Online 

Finance Training 

Finance training for boards of management hosted and delivered by the Financial Support Services Unit of the Department of Education.