Calling senior cycle students! Join this year’s Ethical Education Student Advisory Group

Calixto and Shannon from Clonturk Community College speaking at the AGM about the student advisory group

Susana Núñez, Education Officer (Second Level)

In preparation for the 2024 Educate Together Ethical Education and GCE Student Event, we are seeking senior cycle students to join this year’s Ethical Education Student Advisory Group.

Where and when is the event happening?

This year the event will be, once again, bilocated and hosted by Kishoge Community College in Dublin, celebrating their 10th anniversary, and Limerick Educate Together Secondary School.

What are we asking?

We are inviting second-level schools across the network to nominate one or two students to represent their school. The group will meet monthly from October to April, with two additional meetings closer to the spring event.

Who are we looking for?

Senior cycle students with a keen interest in Ethical Education and Global Citizenship Education (GCE).

How can your students contribute?

We’re looking for students who bring enthusiasm and a passion for a topic or issue under this year’s theme: “Global Empathy and Solidarity in Action,” focusing on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 5, 10, 16 and 17.

SDG 1: No PovertyAims to eradicate extreme poverty and ensure equal access to resources, opportunities, and social protection for all by 2030.

SDG 5: Gender Equality Seeks to eliminate gender disparities and empower all women and girls by promoting equal rights, opportunities, and protection against violence.

SDG 10: Reduced InequalitiesFocuses on reducing inequalities within and among countries by promoting social, economic, and political inclusion for all.

SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong InstitutionsAims to foster peaceful, just, and inclusive societies, ensuring access to justice and building effective, accountable institutions.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the GoalsEncourages global partnerships and cooperation to strengthen the means of implementing and achieving all SDGs through financial, technological, and capacity-building support.

What will the advisory group do?

Students will work together remotely to plan, lead, and organise the event. Teams will be responsible for different aspects such as communications, workshops, a GCE fair, and more.

What’s in it for your students?

They’ll develop leadership skills, gain experience in event planning, and have fun shaping an event for their peers. Last year, students took over Educate Together’s social media, giving them an opportunity to enhance their presenting and digital media skills.

Representatives from relevant NGOs will also feature at meetings to give them a flavour of their work in areas connected to one of those SDGs.

What’s next?

Nominate one or two students from your school by completing this form.

Encourage your students to get involved and be part of something impactful!